
Rest assured.

There is already a solution for HPV

We finally have an effective treatment specifically designed to prevent and treat lesions* caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV): the Papilocare® family.

A line of therapeutic products made from bio-optimized ingredients of natural origin, capable of balancing the vaginal microbiota, facilitating the re-epithelialization of lesions and improving genital health.

The different forms that Papilocare® treatment come in also allow it to work thoroughly, both locally and systemically**, and this translates into a clinically-proven efficacy of up to 90%. The vast majority of people who use Papilocare® treatment manage to normalize the lesions and get negative results on the high-risk HPV test in an average period of between three and six months, without any kind of side effects.

These results provide a great sense of comfort to every woman who has received a positive HPV test and provide a justified reason to be optimistic.

*Low-grade cervical lesions (ASCUS/LSIL) and genital warts

**Effect achieved with the use of Papilocare® Inmunocaps food supplement

Stand up to HPV with Papilocare®

Clinical development plan

Commitment to research

Research and scientific support are in our DNA. For this reason, we constantly strive to validate and demonstrate the efficacy of our treatments, through different national and international clinical trials

In fact, the effectiveness of Papilocare® has been confirmed in six different trials, where the effects of the treatment on more than 700 patients have been studied. Among these trials the Paloma clinical trial stands out. Its results have been published in the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Diseases, one of the most prestigious medical journals in the area of gynecology

The data that has been collected to date allow us to firmly state that Papilocare® vaginal gel normalizes lesions in nine out of ten patients and 63% of patients test negative for high-risk HPV, after only six months of treatment.



We have a strong presence in the main national and international congresses of the field and especially in those of cervical pathologies.

Nearly 100 accepted abstracts, oral presentations, symposiums and publications.



2021’s Product of the year

Best treatment against HPV in the IV Edition of the Valencian Community Awards given by La Razón

Global presence

Our goal is that all patients, whoever they are and wherever they live, can have access to effective treatment to treat and overcome the lesions caused by HPV. For this reason, since the launch of the Papilocare® family in 2016, we have strengthened and consolidated our international presence in different parts of the planet. And we will continue to do so to go even further.

Procare Health has signed distribution agreements with local pharmaceutical companies in more than 65 countries around the world. Currently, 45 countries are already commercializing our products, the remaining countries are undergoing their local regulatory processes at different stages to register the products according to their local requirements

Meet Procare Health

Papilocare® is part of the extensive range of health products from Procare Health, a pioneering Spanish pharmaceutical laboratory dedicated entirely to the development of bio-optimized and scientifically proven natural solutions for women’s health and well-being.

Its varied portfolio of products covers all the physiological stages of a woman’s life and ranges from reproductive health to advanced menopause.

Papilocare® News

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